Extended abstract submission

The extended abstract submission deadline is 15 February 2025.
Authors are required to submit an extended abstract of 1000 words. The extended abstract will be reviewed for acceptance.
The manuscript template can be downloaded from the following links. More detailed instructions on how to prepare the extended abstract are described in the template.

Paper Templete

CM2025 Conference Topics

  • Contact mechanics of rail-wheel systems
  • Friction and adhesion at rail-wheel interface
  • Influence of vehicle/track interaction on rail-wheel contact behaviour and damage
  • Damage of rails and wheels
  • Metallurgy and material behaviour of rails and wheels at macro and micro scales
  • Development, application and in-service performance of rail and wheel materials
  • Management of rail-wheel interface, grinding, milling, reprofiling, friction modification, etc.
  • Vibration and noise related to rail-wheel contact
  • Mutual influence between environmental aspects and rail-wheel contact
  • Physical and virtual measurement of rail-wheel contact
  • Condition monitoring and diagnostics in relation to rail-wheel contact
  • Digital twin of rail-wheel contact
  • Rail-wheel contact related problems from serviced: case studies and possible solutions